Saturday, July 28, 2012


JUDIE GRACE RAMOS, she's my best friend, we’ve met when we are still in 2nd year high school. During our high school years we always go out and have fun especially when it’s Friday we always go to the mall or go to our friends house and eat a lot and of course we have our non-stop conversion like as if we just met after a long time.

 But now as we are in our college years, 3rd year college student in different universities we only met once in a while, we meet whenever we have time but most of the time we are too busy in our studies, we may not often talk or meet just like when we are still high school but our friendship never CHANGED.  Maybe our friendship never changed because we make sure that we are always there for each other even if we don’t see each other that often. We make sure that one of us will always be there if one of us needs somebody to lean on or someone needs a companion or just a time to spend and have fun.
I may meet new friends but she will always be my best friend. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

who am i?

I'm Crisha M. Manalang.Im not miserable but Im not happy. Im not strong but Im not weak. Im not rude but Im not polite. Im not popular but Im not a loner. Im not sexy but Im not horrid. Im not dumb but I'm no genius. I'm not you but I am me. Accept it.